Monday, March 21, 2016

Unit 4
Republican Bradley Byrne has been the representative for Alabama’s 1st congressional district since January 8, 2014.  Byrne was a chancellor of the Alabama Community College system from 2007-2009 in order to be able to run for the 2010 Republican nomination for the Governor of Alabama.  Before his election to represent Alabama’s 1st congressional district he served as a member of the Alabama State Senate in the early 2000’s.  Alabama is a very rural and agriculture heavy district which fits my identity of a republican, rural and agricultural atmosphere.  Some of Byrnes biggest contributors in the 2016 race were Drummond Co, American Crystal Sugar, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  Byrne was first elected to congress in 2013 to finish Jo Bonner’s term.  He was then elected to serve out his first full term in 2014. Byrnes committee assignments include education and the workforce, armed services, and natural resources.  According to a Mobile Press-Register article Byrne was even thinking about running for chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court back in 2011.  The ENCRYPT Act of 2016 involves security vulnerability mandates as well as different decryption requirements.  I couldn’t find Byrne exact vote on this bill but I believe that he would be for it considering his Republican background steers him away from bills that exasperate governmental involvement and this bill limits their power. Byrne also voted yea for bills involving cyber security which correlates with encryption.  He voted yea on the National Cyber security Protection Advancement Act of 2015 and the Protecting Cyber Networks Act.   This act prevents states from being able to ban digital encryption which is basically the encoding of digital messages for privacy reasons.  The Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Re authorization Act of 2016 was created in order to privatize air traffic control.  I think that Bradley would oppose this bill due to the governmental involvement and because he opposed the privatization of social security.  He may also oppose the bill due to his previous involvement with the subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces.  The third bill is the Sentencing Reform Act of 2015 which would reform criminal sentencing laws as well as cover a few other issues.  Similar to the other two laws I was unable to find his exact position but due to his party beliefs I feel that he would be impartial or undecided because it helps lower prisoners sentences in some ways but it lengthens them in others.  

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